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This is where I list every pack that has been given permission over the course of my mods' lives. Note that packs are included in roughly chronological order of approval, and are never removed unless permission is revoked (a very rare occurrence). This means that I can provide no guarantee that any pack listed is updated, still includes my mods, or even is still obtainable. Packs near the top of the list are likely to be for older Minecraft versions, whereas those near the bottom are more likely to be active and updated.

If you want to update/remove a listing, you need to be the creator, administrator, or manager of a pack, or have proof from them that what you say is accurate and likely not to change. This is especially true for packs that are abandoned or have removed my mods.

Where relevant, entries may contain a note of other information deemed important to be disclosed, such as that pack status, regarding changes made by the pack, or known issues.

Known Active Packs

Other Approved Packs