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Ever want to install a new mod that adds ores, but did not want to load new chunks, and retrogen does not work? Alternatively, do you want another renewable (if rare) source of ore?

With MeteorCraft, meteors will periodically come and slam into the ground. Find the crater, and you will find assorted ores, including mod ores. Gravel ores from TConstruct will not generate.
Meteors spawn as one of four types. Stone meteors (by far the most common) only carry stone-type (generally overworld) ores like Iron, Redstone, Certus Quartz, and Tin. Netherrack meteors only carry nether ores like Nether Quartz and Ardite. End stone meteors only carry end-type ores like Pitchblende and Olivine. Skystone meteors - only present with AE installed - do not typically carry ore at all, but are made of solid skystone, and can spawn the AE presses. By default, about 40% of a meteor is ore, with the rest being filler blocks. This value can be adjusted in the config, as can which ores are permitted to spawn. Only ores which exist in at least one loaded mod may spawn.

Meteors also carry small amounts of items based on their type; for example, overworld ones will glowstone dust and gunpowder.
To avoid having multiple varieties of the same ores, the config automatically tracks the mods which register various ores, allowing you to control whose ores are generated.

Meteors are of course destructive, so there are some options to allow you to protect things globally, on a biome-by-biome basis, or by y-level. If a meteor enters a protected biome or passes below the minimum impactable Y-value, it detonates in midair, harmlessly sprinkling about 60% of its blocks below.

Meteors spawn about once an hour by default, but this rate can be adjusted as desired. High frequencies are not recommended for serious play due to overabundance of ore and severe terrain damage.

Meteors can also occur in showers; a meteor shower lasts between 30 seconds and 5 minutes, during which meteor frequency is vastly increased. Meteor showers are rare - about 1/1000 meteors comes as part of a shower - but valuable. All meteors that spawn as part of a shower will explode in the air.

Three block types are added by MeteorCraft. If RotaryCraft is installed, they are cheaper to make but require RotaryCraft power. The Meteor Defence Gun, which comes in three tiers, will automatically protect an area from meteor impacts. Higher tiers cost more, but protect a larger area (up to 112x112). The Meteor Radar will notify you of any meteor spawns or impacts in its (large) range. The Meteor Magnet will attempt to direct incoming meteors towards itself.

Custom Ore Config

MeteorCraft supports the use of the LuaBlock system to define custom ore entries that can appear in meteors, using the following schematic:
type = "example"
baseWeight = ?
meteorTypes = { --Which meteor types this ore can spawn in. This example lists all four options.
oreBlocks = {
item = "minecraft:some_block" --The item type, either a namespaced item registry name, or an OreDictionary tag, prefaced with 'ore:'.
item = "modid:other_block"
relativeWeight = ? --a modifier for how likely this particular block is. Optional.
item = "ore:oreDictTag"

Block definitions that map to nonexistent items, or to items without a block form (eg if you try and add minecraft:diamond_cake or leather as an option), will be ignored, and if these are the only specified blocks for this meteor entry definition, the entire entry will be skipped.




Sample Meteors

Defence Gun (RotaryCraft Version)

Radar (RotaryCraft Version)

Configuration Settings

This mod contains several config options to modify values and behaviors - such as for balance or server safety concerns, or simply personal taste - to your preferences. Note that several settings may have bounds imposed on their values, either logically or explicitly; these can usually be seen in the actual settings files or ingame. These are listed in order found in the source code, which is generally the order in which they were added; They may be present in a different order ingame or in the configuration files.
The settings for the mod, when installed, can be found in the 'config/Reika' subfolder of the MC instance.

Overworld Meteor Rarity

Type: int
Current Default Value:
Roughly how many ticks should pass, on average, between meteors in the overworld.

End Meteor Rarity

Type: int
Current Default Value:
72000 is approx one hour.

Twilight Forest Meteor Rarity

Type: int
Current Default Value:

Meteor Rarity in Other Dimensions

Type: int
Current Default Value:

Meteor Ore Density

Type: int
Current Default Value:
What % of a meteor should be ore vs "stone-type" block.

Minimum Impactable Y

Type: int
Current Default Value:
What Y level will meteors always explode at. This allows to make only the mountain peaks impactable.

Always Skyburst in Overworld

Type: boolean
Current Default Value:

Always Skyburst in Nether

Type: boolean
Current Default Value:

Always Skyburst in End

Type: boolean
Current Default Value:

Always Skyburst in Twilight Forest

Type: boolean
Current Default Value:

Always Skyburst in Other Dimensions

Type: boolean
Current Default Value:

Allow Meteor Showers

Type: boolean
Current Default Value:
Meteor showers are rare and short periods of dense meteor activity.

Global Airburst Override

Type: boolean
Current Default Value:
Set this true to force all meteors to always explode.

Generate Ancient Meteors

Type: boolean
Current Default Value:
Whether to generate ancient buried meteors.

Percent of Meteors With Ore

Type: int
Current Default Value:

Defence Gun Deletes Meteors Instead of Skyburst

Type: boolean
Current Default Value:

Meteor Sound Volume (0.5-2.0)

Type: float
Current Default Value:

Enforce Meteor Type Weights For Small Numbers

Type: boolean
Current Default Value:
Whether to keep a record of meteor types so that the distribution is less pure RNG and more tightly follows the configured rates.

Source Code

The source code for MeteorCraft can be found here:GitHub


1.7.10: Via CurseForge
1.6.4: Via Adfly