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ElectriCraft adds a new way to transport and store RotaryCraft power. Like ReactorCraft, this mod is dependent on RotaryCraft.

ElectriCraft adds electrical motors and generators, as well as several tiers of wires. It follows a simplified version of the behavior of real-world electricity, where voltage and current are two distinct parameters, making this power system 3D like that of RotaryCraft. Voltage is generated by rotational speed, while current is generated by torque into the generator. Higher currents can melt wires that cannot handle it, while voltage is lost over distance proportional to the wire resistance.

ElectriCraft also adds batteries to store power; they charge from the sides or below, and can emit power from the top when given a redstone signal. Each tier has a greater storage capacity and a greater (fixed) output than the last. Note that battery outputs are fixed; they will not work like RF batteries and only supply a deficit, but instead output full power, much like RC engines do.

ElectriCraft also adds two wire control devices. Resistors act as current limiters, allowing for unequal distribution of power. To change the value, dye the three (or four, for the precision variant) bands according to standard resistor color codes. Relays act as redstone-controlled switches.

Wire Types


Current Limit (A) Voltage Loss (V/m)
Steel 16 64
Tin 64 32
Nickel 256 16
Aluminum 1024 8
Copper 4096 2
Silver 32768 1
Gold 65536 4
Platinum 131072 16
Superconductor Infinity 0


ElectriCraft does add ores, for the copper, silver, tin, nickel, aluminum, and platinum wires.

Configuration Settings

This mod contains several config options to modify values and behaviors - such as for balance or server safety concerns, or simply personal taste - to your preferences. Note that several settings may have bounds imposed on their values, either logically or explicitly; these can usually be seen in the actual settings files or ingame. These are listed in order found in the source code, which is generally the order in which they were added; They may be present in a different order ingame or in the configuration files.
The settings for the mod, when installed, can be found in the 'config/Reika' subfolder of the MC instance.

Ore Discretization

Type: int
Current Default Value:
How much to "clump" the ore into larger but fewer veins. Largely useless now that CondensedOres exists.

Source Code

The source code for ElectriCraft can be found here:GitHub


1.7.10: Via CurseForge
1.6.4: Via Adfly