Script Options
The script contains the following configurable variables/functions to adapt the script to your ship configuration or needs:
Type: string
Current Default Value:
"Air Vent"
The name of air vents to look for.
Type: string
Current Default Value:
Anything whose name contains this is used for overall display of airlock states.
Type: string
Current Default Value:
Anything whose name contains this is assumed to be exposed to the ship/station exterior.
Type: string
Current Default Value:
Anything whose name contains this is assumed to be part of an airlock.
Type: float
Current Default Value:
The value (out of 1) below which atmospheric pressure is low enough to be considerered space/unbreathable.
Type: bool
Current Default Value:
Whether to allow airlocks to open when pressurized but there is no space to put the air in tanks.
isOuterAirlockDoor(string name)
Return Type: bool
Current Default Code:
return name.Contains(EXTERNAL_BLOCK_ID) || name.Contains("Outer") || name.Contains("Exterior");
Whether a door is part of the outer half of an airlock.
isInnerAirlockDoor(string name)
Return Type: bool
Current Default Code:
return name.Contains("Inner") || name.Contains("Interior");
Whether a door is part of the inner half of an airlock.
Source Code
The source code for Airlock Protection And Indicators can be found here: