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This item is incomplete or not yet fit for release, and is not available for public use.


Electronic Warfare adds a new way to fight and defend against enemy structures, without significantly destroying them (and in the process dramatically reducing their capture or salvage value). Several new blocks enable evading enemy fire, remotely disabling ship systems, and quickly taking control of a structure without having to raid the entire thing.



The original device the mod was built around, the EMP, when fired, will shutdown and possibly damage every block in the applicable radius (optionally including friendly blocks, requiring careful self-shutdown in advance). This radius is dependent upon many factors, including block type, EMP grid size, whether the EMP shares a grid with the target, and more. This radius is also somewhat fuzzy; blocks can fail to be affected towards its limit. Additionally, some blocks can have adverse reactions to the EMP; notably, warheads (optionally) can detonate, and many blocks only enter a temporary sleep mode rather than a full shutdown.

Cloaking Device

This contraption, if operational, will completely hide your ship from enemy eyes and turrets, allowing you to slip past their defences undetected, without having to attack them directly. Do note that at extremely close ranges, other effects like sound will jeopardize this stealth. This block is extremely power hungry; cloaking even a midsize large grid ship can require the power of an entire large reactor to itself, and this power usage increases further during "full invisibility" mode or when firing weapons.
OK, almost completely hide from eyes. Turrets are still 100% blind to you.

Ownership Conversion Device

This computer will, when attached to an enemy grid, attempt to gradually take control of its systems. This is a slow process, especially given that each conversion attempt has a significant failure chance - rising with distance, block type, and some component types - and like the EMP can also trigger retaliatory effects. If the appropriate mod setting is enabled, this can be somewhat mitigated by choosing which block categories for which the computer will attempt to seize ownership, allowing you to skip the hardest to convert or only focus on something like power supplies.

Download Unavailable

I do not have a download of this mod publicly available, as I do not have game models I can use for the blocks, being neither able to make my own nor find appropriate ones (size and style) for which I can get permissions. If you want to help, or know of someone who can (either by making models or finding the permissions for premade ones), please do contact me.

Source Code

The source code for Dragon Industries - Electronic Warfare can be found here:GitHub


Downloads for this item are not currently available.