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RubberBelts is designed to reduce the iron cost of belts, especially in the early game where that cost can be prohibitive to building on a large enough scale to allow for later expansion. The mod - depending on your settings - either changes the basic (yellow) belt recipe or adds a new recipe for the same, using rubber instead of iron plates. If BobMods or similar rubber is present in the instance, it will use that; if not, it will add its own rubber, made by smelting resin (itself produced by simple crafting from raw wood).
A sample rubber production outpost, using BobMods and NauvisDay infrastructure.

The mod also optionally adds a lower tier of belt than yellow, a pure-wood white belt. This uses wooden gear wheels rather than iron, and is much slower. It can be upcrafted to yellow belts - with the wooden gears returned being recyclable - later.

Configuration Settings

This mod contains several config options to modify values and behaviors - such as for balance or server safety concerns, or simply personal taste - to your preferences. Note that several settings may have bounds imposed on their values, either logically or explicitly; these can usually be seen in the actual settings files or ingame. These are listed in order found in the source code, which is generally the order in which they were added; They may be present in a different order ingame or in the configuration files.
The settings for the mod, when installed, can be found ingame, in the mod settings menu.

Replace transport belt recipe

Type: bool
Current Default Value:
If true the iron-plate-and-gear recipe is removed in favor of the rubber-and-gear one. If false they will both exist.

Enable wooden transport belts

Type: bool
Current Default Value:
Whether to enable the very-low-tier wooden transport belts, intended as a last-resort backup in case of iron depletion.

Source Code

The source code for RubberBelts can be found here:GitHub


Via Factorio Mod Portal