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RadioNetwork adds a system for wirelessly transmitting circuit network signals across large distances, making circuit-connected distant outposts easier.


RadioNetwork adds three tiers of receivers, three tiers of transmitters, and a repeater to transmit and relay circuit signals. Each tier of transmitter has an increased range compared to the last; each tier of receiver can process more signal types. For very long-range signal transmission, the repeater will re-strengthen the signal, allowing for additional range, and can be chained.

The third tier of signal transmitter has an infinite range, as it is satellite-based; to be used, a communications satellite must be launched on a rocket. This will grant global access to any signal emitted by a T3 transmitter.
The recipe when BobMods are installed.

Configuration Settings

This mod contains several config options to modify values and behaviors - such as for balance or server safety concerns, or simply personal taste - to your preferences. Note that several settings may have bounds imposed on their values, either logically or explicitly; these can usually be seen in the actual settings files or ingame. These are listed in order found in the source code, which is generally the order in which they were added; They may be present in a different order ingame or in the configuration files.
The settings for the mod, when installed, can be found ingame, in the mod settings menu.

Signal Tick Rate

Type: int
Current Default Value:
How often signal networks should be updated. Lower is both faster and more CPU-intensive.

Network Calculation Rate

Type: int
Current Default Value:
How often signal networks should be calculated. Lower is both faster and more CPU-intensive.

T1 Receiver Max Signal Count

Type: int
Current Default Value:

T2 Receiver Max Signal Count

Type: int
Current Default Value:

T3 Receiver Max Signal Count

Type: int
Current Default Value:

T1 Transmitter Signal Range

Type: int
Current Default Value:

T2 Transmitter Signal Range

Type: int
Current Default Value:

Repeater Signal Range

Type: int
Current Default Value:

Satellite Channel Capacity

Type: int
Current Default Value:
How many channels each satellite in a satellite-based signal network can carry. The total number of allowable channels is this value multiplied by the number of launched communications satellites.

Comms Satellite space science yield

Type: int
Current Default Value:

Source Code

The source code for RadioNetwork can be found here:GitHub


Via Factorio Mod Portal