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"I want to do a mod spotlight. Can I?"

Of course! I always appreciate spotlights, and am willing to work with you to ensure their accuracy and thoroughness.


"[SEATOSEA] I see 'PingNone' signals with a '?' symbol in the PDA. What is going on?"

This is caused by adding the mod to an existing world. As the mod is a progression overhaul, this is something that does not make sense and should not be done. As a result, issues that arise from doing so are not a priority.

"[ALL] Some or all of my items are missing display names!"

This is caused by exiting to menu and then loading back into the save without completely restarting the game. Due to modding and SML limitations, doing this will break many mods, and the fact that exiting a game requires a game restart is one of the first things you will be told when reporting any issue with any mod.


"Will you make mods for Below Zero?"

I have no plans to do so. For one, I enjoy it far less than the original game, meaning there is much less motivation to spend time adding content to it, given how much less use I would get out of it. Secondly, this is a rather widespread opinion, meaning any mod for BZ is going to be similarly less valued to the general public. Finally, the BZ game is just shorter and shallower than the original, meaning there is less content to extend and build upon with modding.

"[SEATOSEA] Does Sea to Sea work with other major SN mods?"

There should be no mods it programatically conflicts with; you should be able to install it and launch the game alongside any other complement of mods.
From a progression standpoint, however, it will conflict with other similar progression overhauls, particularly that which add similar gating mechanics, or which substantially change various recipe trees. Additionally, it will have progression conflicts with mods that completely overhaul resources or the acquisition thereof, as this is one of the core mechanisms by which C2C enforces its own progression. Mods that add new seabase or vehicle abilities that trivialize existing limitations (such as making power trivial to generate in huge quantity, or making it possible to run the cyclops in permanent shielded silent running) will also allow you to bypass normal environmental considerations.

In other words, if a mod allows you to ignore typical barriers to a resource or region, or is "cheaty" or "overpowered", it will probably circumvent C2C's mechanics. See the mod's page for more information.

At the time of this writing, there is a known conflict between Sea to Sea and the Return of the Ancients mod, as both make use of the deprecated-from-vanilla white and red precursor tablets. This is far from unfixable, and options to maintain progression in both mods, while keeping thematic design, are being considered.
For mods like "seamoth drill arms", "tons of super powerful vehicle modules", or "remote-controlled mining drones", these are on a conceptual level not compatible with the progression C2C uses, and cannot be used alongside it while preserving the intended gameplay. You should not use these mods alongside C2C.

"[SEATOSEA] Will the progression be configurable?"

Mostly not. The bulk of the progression system is rather fragile and fine-tuned to give exactly the desired gameplay, and the mod's purpose would be mostly lost if that were to be significantly compromised.There is a "hard mode" option (disabled by default) which makes the progression even more enforced and which makes the mechanics even more impactful (see the mod's page for more information), but there is no ability to generally "tune" the progression.
If more granular configurability ever were added, it would be minor tweaks like exactly how much a recipe costs (eg bioprocessor enzyme usage), not anything major like "require X to survive in Y" or "air loss rate in Z".


"[SEATOSEA] You should put the Shadow Leviathan in the new biome."

As amazingly as it would fit, this is not legally possible. UWE has expressly forbidden "backporting" BZ features to the base game, so unless that stance changes with proof in writing, adding BZ creatures to a base SN mod is not an option. If you are a UWE representative able to give such permission, I eagerly await this.

"[SEATOSEA] These recipes are a lot more expensive than the vanilla ones."

C2C takes a slightly different approach to recipes: things that are crafted in bulk, like ingredients, generally remain fairly cheap. However, things that are only meant to be crafted once or twice, such as most equipment or vehicles, are substantially increased in cost, in part to incentivize using them carefully (ie not blithely taking a seamoth into a Reaper's mouth because "I can just make another one"), and in part to avoid them being rushed as soon as they are unlocked.

If, however, you are speaking not of raw resource cost but of how much progression is required to make things that were previously available early in the game...yes, that is kind of the point of much of the mod.

"[SEATOSEA] This is like the anti-speedrun mod! Why do you hate speedrunners?!"

If you object to the idea of using - and thus experiencing - more of a game, and think that anything, even optional things, that force that are inherently wrong, all because you think that it should always be possible to rush through a game while seeing and playing as little of it as possible...do you even like the game on its own merit?

"[AQUEOUSENGINEERING] These machines are all just retextures or kitbashes of vanilla furniture! Get some of your own models!"

Making semirealistic models and UV-mapped textures, and importing them into SN, is difficult and requires tools and skills I do not possess, in contrast to making 2D graphics (eg for factorio) or simple cuboid-based directly-loadable models like for Minecraft. This exact issue is also what is currently stalling releases of mods of mine for other games, including Stellaris and Space Engineers. Feel free to volunteer your own time in that regard if you want me to use unique models.