Like with any puzzle, there is generally one intended solution (or family of nearly identical solutions that share the same "checkpoints") to a Portal chamber. While it may be possible to reach the exit using alternative solutions, this is not intentional, and generally something a well-designed chamber attempts to prevent if at all possible. Therefore, a "legitimate" solution is one that maps to (one of) the intended one(s). Merely having reached the exit does not make the solution valid; by reaching the chamberlock via an unintended series of actions, you have not actually solved the chamber, only bypassed it.
With that in mind, it is useful to categorize specific "tricks" (often called "moves" in the Portal community), as themselves valid or not. Many of these are ones I (and often many others) actively avoid ever using, and so any solution that employs them can be readily identified as illegitimate. Knowing this can remove ambiguity during the solving process, where you have an idea on a possible solution step but wonder if my solutions would ever include such a thing. I often find myself in the same situation, and never feel good about having solved a chamber but not being sure it was a legitimate solution due to it using questionable moves (or alternatively being stuck because I discounted any ideas using such moves).
Borderline Moves
These are moves which are not certain to be unintended, but are rarely employed by my chambers, and as such it is unlikely they are part of the solution. Often, this is moves that I know I have used but try to avoid using, or only know of it being intended in some of my older maps. This includes:
Funnel/bridge Climbing
Repeatedly moving a bridge or funnel you are on/in in a direction and using its autocenter to carry you in that direction
Interacting through grating
Placing portals while flying through the air
Raising a cube over your head, like to carry it over a fizzler or put it on a ledge or through an elevated portal
Toppling a laser cube to aim upwards
Precise (< 10 degrees) laser aiming
Precise (< 1/2 of a PeTI voxel/< 64 units) portal placement
Cube stacking
Walking with a lit laser cube, keeping it aimed at a target
Illegitimate Moves
These are moves that I never use in my chambers, and any use of them to solve the level is guaranteed to be an exploit. This includes:
Hitbox abuse, such as clipping cubes into walls or the player into models, or getting a laser to go through an object by placing the cube's "lens" inside a barrier's clip bounds
Portal Bumping
Engine Exploit
Forcing a portal through a barrier like glass or a fizzler by placing the previous in a tight location
Funnel Flying
Engine Exploit
Using a funnel/sneak interaction bug to grant the ability to fly everywhere
Portal Peeking
Engine Exploit
Moving a portal while using it by firing at the perfect moment
Seam Glitch
Engine Exploit
Firing portals/lasers/etc into a tiny gap between solid geometry
Wall Climbing
Engine Exploit
Engine Exploit
Moving portals you are falling into or coming out of to gain a momentum boost
Bunny Hopping
Engine Exploit
Exploiting physics glitches to gain massively increased jump distance
Floating laser cubes
Engine Exploit
Exploiting the fact that lit laser cubes remain floating if untouched
Grating phasing
Engine Exploit
Exploiting the fact that cubes can pass through grating on the other side of a portal
Exploiting turret sleep/wake cycle
Using cubes as turret shields
Anything involving blindly tossing/pushing an item (especially spheres) in a direction and hoping it ends up in a specific location
Anything involving high-speed "ninja" moves, portal shots, or similar, especially involving tight timings or difficult aiming
Using cubes as a platform to stand or jump on
Cube Throwing
Abusing "laser receiver glancing"
Engine Exploit
Activating multiple things with a laser that merely glances yet lights a laser receiver
Leaps over pits or goo that are just barely possible, in either distance or due to complex strafing
Preventing Unintended Solutions
I try to remove unintended solutions from my chambers, provided doing so does not massively compromise their quality in other ways, for example by making the intended solution obvious. However, there is a specific exception: I do not bother with game-level exploits. That is, any issue above with the '' tag above is something I will make no attempt to address. Not only are such issues rarely fixable without extremely onerous and heavy-handed enforcement (if even then), they are so far removed from the obvious intent of a puzzle that their usage is blatant cheating. They are not worth addressing, and even if I did have a fix, those who seriously consider them "valid" solution steps would probably just start using the console instead and consider that the new solution.